Monday, January 21, 2013

Checking in on New Years Resolution- SOLUTION for Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness

Hi Everyone,

Just checking back with everyone and how their New Years Resolutions are going? January is a hot month for most people who want to make a change because we evaluate the past year and notice the things that aren't working. I’m so thrilled to kick off 2013 with an exciting announcement: My dear mentor Gabrielle Bernstein just launched her third book. May Cause Miracles: May Cause Miracles A 40-Day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change, is now available in a beautiful hardcover and as an e-book.

May Cause Miracles is a six-week guide that enlightens, inspires, and empowers. Gabrielle helps you clear through blocks and discover authentic happiness in every aspect of your life. With the structure and support provided by May Cause Miracles , you’ll transform your relationships to friends, family, romantic partners, work and money, your bodies, and the world. By adding up subtle shifts, you’ll create long-lasting, miraculous change. (Translation: Did you make a New Year’s resolution? This is how to make it stick.)

If you’re not yet familiar with Gabrielle, she was just featured as a new thought leader on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday. She’s the best-selling author of Spirit Junkie (recently out in paperback!) and Add More ~ing to Your Life. Gabby is an incredible inspirational speaker and teacher of A Course in Miracles—and believe me when I say she not only talks the talk, she walks the walk.

Ready for amazing change? Check this out: When you give yourself the gift of May Cause Miracles,  you get bonus gifts, too. You’ll receive:

Gabby’s video course on how to manifest your desires in 2013
Guided meditations
Gabby’s interviews with miracle workers Kris Carr, Nick Ortner, Danielle Laporte, and Mastin Kipp

I have just one question for you: What are you waiting for?

Make 2013 the year of radical, positive, long-lasting change simply by adding up subtle shifts over 40 awesome days. Get your copy of May Cause Miracles now!


Tejal Patel

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