Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolutions for the Bride to Be!

As 2013 approaches and we start contemplating our New Year’s Resolutions, the most common resolution a bride makes is exercising more and eating healthier so she will look like a knockout on her special day. It’s no surprise that sometimes after the big day passes, the motivation of staying in shape fades as we get engrossed with the changes of married life. Sometimes, brides get so consumed with the stress of wedding planning they fall short of attaining their goals even before the wedding.

To make a sustainable positive change, you can’t continue to follow your previous approach and expect results to be different.  It doesn't matter what new diet fad or workout you try, unless you change your perception and beliefs about your ability to get healthy, you won’t see the lasting results you desire. So think past your big day and think about creating a healthy lifestyle.  As you start this New Year and new chapter in your life, strive to release the negative habits and energy that doesn't serve you so you can clear up space in your life for positive changes.

Here are a few pointers on how you can focus on changing your perception so that you can achieve your health goals in 2013!

1. Fixating on External Markers: Many of us fixate on losing exactly the 5, 15 or 25 lbs we think we need to lose to look our best. We lose focus on how we will feel when we reach our healthy body weight. When we get on the scale and see that our weight doesn't decrease at the rate we expect, we get discouraged. First things first, throw your controlling habits and expectations out the door.  That negative frame of mind can either kick you off the exercise wagon completely or allow fear of failure and self-doubt to creep in. Once you self-sabotage your ability to reach your goals, you automatically lose the motivation and desire to follow through to see yourself succeed.  

Believe in yourself and give yourself a fair shot. Rather than fixating on watching the pounds drop, try visualizing how you want to feel once you are a healthier body weight. How will you feel when you are more confident and secure in your skin? How will that positively affect your self-love and self image?  How will your body function if you eat healthier foods?  What will your life look like if you incorporate more exercise into your schedule? Keep your goals on a realistic time frame  We would love to shed 5lbs in a week but like anything else, getting healthy requires persistence, consistency and patience. Spend each present moment making the right choices and in the long run you will reach your goals before you even know it.

As the old adage goes, “Life is about the journey not the destination.”  Keep life exciting! Incorporate yoga and mindfulness into your workout routine to help release stress and tone your body. Enjoy a variety of different workouts to keep it exciting. Go to for free home workouts. These P90x and Insanity worthy workouts is like having your own personal trainer in the comfort of your home. Try new classes at the gym, join an intramural sport with your significant other or start experimenting with cooking healthy recipes. Consistently reinforce to yourself that you can do it, truly believe it and watch the fabulous changes that will ensue when your perceptions change.

2.  Be Honest… Is Food Your Crutch? If eating unhealthy comfort foods is your crutch when you feel sad, stressed or upset, there might be some underlying issues you are not dealing with. How wonderful would it be if we craved carrots when we were upset? The overeating is a result of the emotions, fear and pain you have put off dealing with. Contemplate the emotional triggers and fears that make you seek solace in overindulging in food. If food is your crutch, what feelings are you numbing by refocusing your energy on eating food? Uncovering the painful underlying emotional blocks and issues is the only solution for lasting solution. What’s stopping you from doing the work? Think of the lasting empowerment, freedom and pride you receive when you overcome a difficult challenge. A healthier wife makes a confident, energetic and happier woman.

3.    Focus On What Is Truly Important…
Why is that we are our own worst self-critics? We can’t expect to receive our happiness from approval from other people.  Happiness and self-love is something we have to cultivate within ourselves. Rather than criticizing our self-image by comparing our bodies to celebrities, friends or strangers embrace your unique beauty just the way you are. Appreciate all the magnificent things your body allows you to do now. Appreciate the wonderful ability of your eyes to see all the beautiful colors of the world. The ability to hear the voice of your loved ones and the simple act of breathing that sustains your entire body without effort. It’s these glorious gifts we forget to give importance to. Feeling gratitude for the miraculous person you already are puts you in a higher vibration to manifest the changes that will allow you to live the life of your dreams. As you gain clarity about what you want to accomplish you will be guided to the sources that will help you reach your goal.  

Regardless of your external package, it’s only through cultivating your inner growth that real peace, happiness and joy is attainable. To improve your life, search within because all you need can be found within you.  It’s not how you look in your wedding dress that is the most important; it is having self-confidence and believing you are beautiful. It’s about expressing your gratitude and love to everyone who helps bring your wedding day come to life and being fully present and appreciating each moment of your special day when you marry your best friend and celebrate with the important people in your life. Those are the important memories you will always cherish about your wedding day.  

At the Washington not only do we create happy memories, we strive to create happy lives

From all of us here at The Washington Banquet Hall, wishing you and your families a very happy, healthy, and inspiring New Year!  

For more information about the newest renovated facility in South Jersey call us at The Washington today at 856-885-6145 or email us at

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